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Espanja on ollut johtava sinilippujen määrässä kolme vuosikymmentä peräkkäin: tänä kesänä niitä on 638 rantoja, yksitoista enemmän kuin vuonna 2023

The Association for Environmental Education and Consumer Affairs (Adeac), the promoter of Blue Flags, has released the list of Spanish coastal beaches that have achieved the quality distinction for their waters and services this year. In 2023, 627 beaches were awarded the Blue Flag, six more than the previous year. The Valencian Community remained the autonomous community with the most beaches holding this distinction, despite losing five compared to the previous year, followed by Andalusia, which gained three, and Galicia, with two more than in 2022. Follow here live all the information related to the 2024 Blue Flags, starting at 10:30 a.m. when the press conference organized by Adeac begins.

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List of beaches with Blue Flag, live

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