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Mediamyynti Sää ja live-kuva Koti Costalla

14-vuotias ihmelapsi « Euro Weekly News

The Choir and Orchestra ’Collegium Musicum Costa del Sol’ is hosting a special concert in Fuengirola on Sunday, May 26th, at 8pm at the IPV Palace Hotel. The concert will feature guest violinist, 14-year-old prodigy Inés Maro Burgos Babakhanian, winner of the Young Performers Competition ’City of Estepona 2023′, who will be performing Camille Saint-Saens’ Violin Concerto.

Inés, a student at the Yehudi Menuhin School near London, made her debut at Spain’s National Auditorium and regularly performs in Ojén, her hometown.

The Choir & Orchestra will also perform Giacomo Puccini’s ’Missa di Gloria’ to commemorate the 100th anniversary of his death in 1924. Puccini, considered one of the greatest Italian opera composers, has written some of the world’s most beloved operas.

Tickets for the concert are priced at €12 (under 16s are free) and can be purchased at the IPV Palace Hotel, Cafetería Lepanto (Fuengirola main street), from members of Collegium Musicum, or on the night of the concert starting at 7pm. For more information, contact 952 775492 or 686 277 272, or email info@colmus.org.

Additionally, the concert will be repeated on Tuesday, May 28th, at Iglesia de la Encarnación in Marbella at 9pm. There are no tickets for this concert, but organizers request a generous donation for the needs of the parish.

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